Phaco and Glaucoma Surgeon Chairman- Deen Mohd.
Eye Hospital & Research Center
MBBS (Dhaka), DO (DU), MS (Oph)
Vice Chancellor,BSMMU
MBBS, DO, MS, Fellow Glaucoma
(USA) Glaucoma and Cataract
Fmr. Prof. & Head, Dep of Glaucoma
National Instute of Opthalmology, Dhaka
MBBS degree from Dhaka Medical College
F.R.C.S (Glass.UK), F.C.P.S (BD)
Pediatric Ophthalmology
MBBS, FCPS (Ophth) Msc (Epid, UK) Msc
(CEH, UK), FRF (India) Professor & Head
of the department, Vitreo-Retina NIO & H
MBBS, DO, FCPS Phaco, Medical
Retina, Orbit & Oculoplasty (Eye cosmetics surgery)
MBBS, DO (Oph), MS (Oph) Fellow Glaucoma (LVPEI, India)
Specialized Glaucoma Training (Moorfield Eye Hospital, U.K)
MS, FRCS (Glasgow), FRCS(Edinbrugh)
Specialities: Peadiatric Opthalmology,
Squint & Phaco Surgery
FRCS(Oph),Glasgow. United Kingdom, MBBS,
MS (Oph), FCPS (Oph). DCEH(London).
Prof. Vitreo Ratina Dep. (NIO & H Dhaka)
MBBS, DO, FCPS (Oph), FVRS(Retina)
Associate Prof. Retina Dept. (NIO & H Dhaka)
MBBS, MS(Ophth), Fellow Vitreo-Retina
llEl&H (Bangladesh) & LVPEl (India)
Retina & ROP Specialist, Phaco Surgeon
Prof. (Vitreo-Retina) Dep. Of Opthalmology (BSMMU)
FCPS (Eye) Fellowship Phaco,
Cornea, LASIC, keratoplasty (India)
Asst. Prof. (BSMMU)
MBBS, MS (Ophth) Fellow Vitreo-Retina
IIEI&H(Bangladesh & LVPEI (India)